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Каталог изданий


Фото Название Год издания Издатель Цена, руб. Заказ
Anchoring Systems and Procedures, OCIMF, 2010 = Системы и процедуры постановки на якорь (на английском языке), 2010 2010 OCIMF 30500
в наличии
Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tanker, 4th Edition = Руководство по охране чистоты морей для нефтетанкеров, на английском языке, 1994 1994 eng ICS, OCIMF 3450
в наличии
Effective Mooring, OCIMF, 4th Edition, 2019 = Эффективная швартовка, 4-е изд. (на английском языке), 2019
Издание дает общее представление о швартовке и рекомендации о том, как оставаться в безопасности во время швартовых операций.


2019 eng OCIMF 5200
в наличии
Guidance Manual for Tanker Structures - Consolidated Edition, 2024 = Руководство по оценке состояния конструкций танкера (на английском языке), 2024
Just Published
Сводное издание TSCF 2024 г.


2024 TSCF 76500
в наличии
Guidelines for Offshore Tanker Operations, OCIMF, 1st Edition (English) = Руководство по эксплуатации танкеров в открытом море (на английском языке), 1-е издание, 2018
This essential new publication provides information and guidance on the safe management of the interface between offshore terminals and offtake tankers, focussing on F(P)SO and SPM buoy terminals and conventional and DP tankers.
It will be of use to tanker technical operators, terminal operators, tanker-based personnel, terminal-based personnel, offshore project development teams and regulatory officials.
This publication updates and supersedes the following OCIMF publications:
• Offshore Loading Safety Guidelines with Special Relevance to Harsh Weather Zones.
• Tandem Mooring and Offloading Guidelines for Conventional Tankers at F(P)SO Facilities.
• Recommendations for Equipment Employed in the Bow Mooring of Conventional Tankers at Single Point Moorings.


2018 eng OCIMF 49500
в наличии
ISGOTT -- International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, 6th Edition, 2020 = Международное руководство по безопасности для нефтетанкеров и терминалов, 6-е издание (на английском языке), 2020


2020 eng OCIMF / IAPH / ICS 70800
в наличии
Mooring Equipment Guidelines, 4th Edition (MEG4), OCIMF, 2018 = Наставление по швартовному оборудованию, 4-е издание (на английском языке), 2018
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
= 288 pages
Mooring a ship to a berth is a common function for the maritime industry, however incidents that harm ship and terminal personnel still occur.
This publication establishes recommended minimum requirements that will help ship designers, terminal designers, ship operators and mooring line manufacturers improve the design, performance and safety of mooring systems.


2018 eng OCIMF 59500
в наличии
Recommendations for Liquefied Gas Carrier Manifolds = Рекомендации по манифольдам для газовозов сжиженного газа (на английском языке) -- SIGTTO, OCIMF, 2nd Edition, 2018
- 57 с.
These recommendations are for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers.
For the purposes of this document, the term LPG carrier refers to liquefied gas cargoes carried between the temperature range of 0°C to -104°C.
These recommendations do not apply to existing ships, and there is no suggestion that existing ships should be altered.


2018 eng OCIMF, SIGTTO 40500
в наличии
Recommendations for Oil and Chemical Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment, 1st Edition, OCIMF, 2017 = Рекомендации по манифольдам нефтетанкеров и химовозов и подсоединяемому оборудованию (на английском языке), 2017
A joint publication by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) and the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI), Recommendations for Oil and Chemical Tanker Manifolds and Associated Equipment provides clear recommendations and guidance for oil tankers, chemical tankers and dual classed oil/chemical tankers with the aim of achieving improved safety, standardisation and compatibility with terminal facilities.


2017 eng OCIMF 44500
в наличии
Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (A Best Practice Guide), 3rd Edition = Управление танкерами и их самостоятельная оценка (Руководство по лучшей практике) (на английском языке), 2017
Key new features to the text include:
Updated industry legislative requirements, including the Manila Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, the Polar Code and the Ballast Water Management Convention;
A new element 13 covering Maritime Security;
Expanded best practice guidance to complement key performance indicators and remove ambiguity and duplication;
Streamlining and merging of elements to improve consistency and make conducting the self assessment easier;
Revised Environmental and Energy Management Element, which now incorporates the OCIMF Energy Efficiency and Fuel Management paper that was a supplement to TMSA2.


2017 eng OCIMF 34800
в наличии
The Use of Large Tanker in Seasonal First-Year Ice and Severe Sub-Zero Conditions, OCIMF, 1st Edition, 2010
= Использование большого танкера в сезонных льдах первого года и суровых минусовых условиях (на английском языке), OCIMF, 2010


2010 eng OCIMF 18500
в наличии