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Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals - NP86 Volume N: East Mediterranean and Black Seas, 4th Edition, 2023
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals - NP86 Volume N: East Mediterranean and Black Seas, 4th Edition, 2023
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals - NP86 Volume N: East Mediterranean and Black Seas, 4th Edition, 2023
Адмиралтейские описания огней и туманных сигналов.
Огни и знаки (на английском языке).
Восточная часть Средиземного моря и Черное море.
Published 27/07/2023.
Updated to Week 25/2023.
First Updates in NM Week 30/2023.
Volume N 3rd Edition 2022 is now cancelled.

Цена, руб.: 8950
 –  + 
в наличии


Год издания: 2023
Издатель: UKHO

Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

This series of books provides extensive information on all lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks (over 8m in height), fog signals and other lights of navigational significance.

Each publication also gives the characteristics of lights and fog signals, together with the equivalent foreign language light descriptions.
Tables can be used to calculate the geographical and luminous ranges of lights.
Details for all lights listed include the international number, location and/or name, geographical co-ordinates, characteristics and intensity, elevation in metres, range in sea miles and description of structure.

Admiralty publishes new editions of the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals on a rolling cycle of revision.
Admiralty also lists important changes to lights in the weekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners.